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Danger Angel: Danger Angel
Danger Angel new music review

Danger Angel: Danger Angel

Melodic Hard Rock
Rating: 3.0/5.0

Danger Angel's self-titled debut caught my ear with the first song, and then tripped me up. Com' On Rock Me starts like an 80's Sunset Strip glam rocker with more than a little hint of GnR. Then, holy shit, there's this keyboard solo before the guitar rips in. What the ... ? From here on out Danger Angel delivers generic 80's melodic hard rock, and does it quite well. In this context, I can accept the keyboards on the first song as they are prevalent throughout this disc.

Danger Angel's strengths, however, are in song composition with strong melodies and big hooks, sizzling guitar work, and some mighty fine bass lines. The last shows up quite well thanks to the crisp production. Conversely, my biggest struggle was with MT's vocals which, by the third song, nears an annoying nasal falsetto imitation of Mr. Rose. Yet, on the ballad I'll Be There for You, his performance succeeds. Danger Angel get an assist from Jeff Scott Soto on Never Let You Go, a solid melodic rocker and the best track on the album. However, after a listen, I wonder if Danger Angel shouldn't send MT packing and bring JSS on board. Other highlights include Hangover, Together Forever, and Burning Hearts. At the end of the day, Danger Angel delivers quintessential 80's melodic hard rock with aplomb, no more and no less. - New fiction, crime fiction by Craig Hartranft

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In Short

Danger Angel delivers quintessential 80's melodic hard rock with aplomb, no more and no less. Passing over the vocals, it's all well done and quite entertaining.

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