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Edenbridge: MyEarthDream
Symphonic/Gothic Rock/Metal
Rating: 3.5/5.0

Edenbridge distinguishes themselves with each new album by producing symphonic/gothic rock and metal of consistency and quality. 'MyEarthDream' is no exception to the rule. Inherent in this, however, is an inevitable familiarity and predictably. As much as 'MyEarthDream' is enjoyable, Edenbridge seems only to produce the same with little or no innovation. This does not make for a bad album. As I said earlier, consistency is a good thing: you know what to expect and if you liked them before you will like them again. However, Edenbridge is not breaking any new ground on 'MyEarthDream.'

Though 'MyEarthDream' may verge on monotony for some listener, there are some excellent songs on this work, ones that stand far above the others. Worth mentioning first is 'Shadowplay,' a sweeping number that owes much to symphonic and gothic metal as it does to simple heavy metal. The guitar work is fantastic. 'Adamantine' moves faster and has a better melody that most other songs on the album. Again the guitar solo is sterling. Another song that moves quickly with a hearty melody is 'Place Of Higher Power' where the vocal harmonies are especially appealing. The instrumental title track (one of two) 'MyEarthDream' blends a significant acoustic motif within a larger but light symphonic wrapper. It introduce the main title track which is long but no boring things to the several style changes throughout. Near death metal vocals arise at the end, yet they meld well with the whole song and so are never offensive.

Edenbridge rises above most bands in their genre thanks to Sabine Edelsbacher's smooth and consistent vocals. There is never flash or excessiveness in her style; her voice is one of beauty and control. 'MyEarthDream' again brings fine music from a consistently professional and deliberate band. Though not nearly as innovative as you would wish from a well established band, 'MyEarthDream' is a pleasing listen that will satisfy long time fans. Recommended!

In Short

Edenbridge's 'MyEarthDream' continues their tradition of creating fine symphonic/gothic metal and rock. Though their consistency is remarkable, there is little innovation here. Rather, 'MyEarthDream' is simply a solid work, no more and no less.

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