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Reverse Grip: Hunger For Chaos
Reverse Grip Hunger For Chaos Review

Reverse Grip: Hunger For Chaos

Hard Rock

From the looks of the band, I wonder if the members of Reverse Grip are old enough to remember the heady hard rock days of the late Eighties. They probably weren't even born when Guns N Roses released Appetite For Destruction. But, this band formed by the three Broda brothers, Sean (g), Dru (v), and Dylan (d) with Kramer White on bass, play rock straight out of 1987 Los Angeles on their debut album Hunger For Chaos.

Reverse Grip Band Photo

Reverse Grip:: something's funny.

They're pretty darn good at it too. Dru Broda has a versatile vocal range, and an adequate amount of sneer envelope anyone from Axl Rose to David Lee Roth. Sean can wail on that six string, too; he can echo peers like Slash and Mike Mars, but also has a gritty, sometimes blues, edge to his tone. Dylan and Kramer White offer a thundering stable rhythm section.

The music is basically sweaty and swaggering hard rock, more melodic hard rock with the sleaze flavor, notable on songs like Midnight Fox, Tease Me or Looking to Score. They steal a page from the GnR playbook with the simmering opening lead guitar on Mirror Mirror. Mostly, from start to finish Hunger For Chaos is a rock album, suitable for a sweaty barroom or backyard kegger. Pass on the ugly art work; otherwise: easily recommended. - New fiction, crime fiction by Craig Hartranft

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In Short

From start to finish Reverse Grip's Hunger For Chaos is a rock album, featuring late Eighties style hard rock, suitable for a sweaty barroom or backyard kegger.

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