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by Craig Hartranft, 02.20.2012
France's Elvenstorm brings the metal old school on their debut album Of Rage and War. Fronted by female lead singer Laura Ferreux, Elvenstorm revisits traditional Eighties speed metal.
Those two facts are likely the only things you need to know about this band. Essentially, the band bursts from the gates with Winds of War, puts the pedal to the metal, and doesn't stop speeding to the end. Along the way you get some ripping guitar solos and Ferreux's clean metal vocals. She's pretty good, too, never straining and always control. Ultimately, the pace seems to be the singular characteristic of each song, with the possible exception of the mid-tempo, Raven in a Blackened Sky. But even this song has faster moments.
Consequently, if you like some variation in your traditional heavy metal, you're not going to find it here. It's all speed and more speed metal. As far as that goes, Elvenstorm is right on target with Of Rage and War.
On Of Rage and War Elvenstorm serves up some traditional Eighties speed metal. No frills, just speed.
Now entering their second decade in music biz, Sweden's Wildness returns with latest and fourth studio album, Avenger. Band personnel has remained consistent for the last four years with the addition of Erik ... [ Read More ]