Massacre Records
by Craig Hartranft, 02.27.2012
This month, Massacre Records offers two debut albums from two bands in the classic heavy/power metal tradition, Nightqueen and Elmsfire. Of the two bands, and albums, the strongest comes from Germany's Elmsfire. Formed by two guitarists and friends, Elmsfire offers their first full-length album, Thieves of the Sun.
The strength of Elmsfire comes in establishing their music in a foundation of classic metal. Then they build upon this with speed, power, and melody. Add twin guitar pyrotechnics, some soaring clean metal vocals, and a smashing rhythm section, and Elmsfire has the die cast for some entertaining heavy metal.
Generally, from these elements, the arrangements have a depth and caliber that catches you unaware and surprises your ears. You suspect straight up melodic power metal and, certainly, that's what you get. But these compositions have a rolling ebb and flow that combines harmony, melody and metal in a superb fashion. Eolian, Stormchild, Escape, Ahab, and title cut are brimming with these very characteristics. Perhaps, even better, you don't have to worry if Elmsfire is going to get weird, commercial, or convenient by dosing their tunes with trendy hardcore riffs or vocals.
Frankly, Thieves of the Sun is a pleasure to listen to. Good, solid, and entertaining melodic heavy/power metal. 'Nuff said. Quite recommended, and let's hope for more in the future.
Frankly, Elmsfire's Thieves of the Sun is a pleasure to listen to. Good, solid, and entertaining melodic heavy/power metal. 'Nuff said. Quite recommended.
Now entering their second decade in music biz, Sweden's Wildness returns with latest and fourth studio album, Avenger. Band personnel has remained consistent for the last four years with the addition of Erik ... [ Read More ]