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Chicks With Guns: On Your Mind (EP)

Chicks With Guns: On Your Mind (EP)

NWOSS/Melodic Hard Rock
Rating: 3.75/5.0

What's been called the 'new wave of Swedish sleaze' continues to roll on with newcomers 'Chicks With Guns.' Yet, I'm not so quick to fit this band into that particular category. They are amazingly less pretentious and generic than their fellow compatriots, Danger. Sure, they have a dash of makeup and a certain bit of macho androgyny in appearance, but that's where it seems to stop. Within the brevity of this four song EP 'On Your Mind,' their emphasis leans more towards bare bones rock and roll swagger with a cigarette in one hand, a beer in the other, and a mighty wood below the belt.

Getting this sort of band and sound off the ground in Sweden and in this populated genre requires more substance than style. The substance of 'On Your Mind,' again, is hearty rock and roll in a Sunset Boulevard motif without being obnoxiously derivative. 'Love At First Sight' pulls this off quite well with good melody, leering vocals, and a satisfying guitar solo. Much could be said of the title track, a bit heavier and somewhat plodding, and 'Love Is A Game,' more straight forward melodic hard rock. However, the best cut is 'Bullsh*t Boulevard.' Excusing the dispensable street chatter in the beginning, this song gets its energy from a near punk vibe thanks to the raw riffs and sneering vocals.

'On Your Mind' is a good start for Chicks With Guns showing talent and promise. However, they'll have to overcome two things. First, a rather flat production that, I'm sure, does not capture their live performances; and second, the excessive supply of other bands trying to deliver they same music in their own country and elsewhere. Chicks With Guns will need to dig deep to find something that sets them apart from the crowd if they want to succeed. Otherwise, 'On Your Mind' is a solid debut from these Swedes.

In Short

'On Your Mind' is a good start for Chicks With Guns showing talent and promise in their chosen musical field. However, they'll need to dig deep to find something that sets them apart from the crowd if they want to succeed. Otherwise, 'On Your Mind' is a solid debut from these Swedes.

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