Spinefarm Records
If you read my recent review of Kalmah's 'For The Revolution,' (read it here) you will understand why I take the time to review the latest release from Children Of Bodom. The logic for the review for the one applies to the other. Except for the annoying death metal dirty vocals, COB continues to be the frontrunner of Finland's melodic heavy/power/death metal genre. The mix of a driving rhythm, thrilling guitars from Alexi Laiho (he's also responsible for vocals), and the layers of keyboards by Janne Warman is impressive. This is vigorous heavy metal, not much different than you expect from COB.
Actually, 'Blood Drunk' is possibly COB's most heavy, most aggressive work to date. It's fast, almost brutal in it's approach. Yet, excusing the unnecessary dirty vocals, it is the music that matters. This is killer metal that rips and roars through you like chainsaw. Consider the songs 'Blooddrunk,' Lobodomy,' and 'Tie My Rope.' Under girding this huge and aggressive aural assault is consistent effort to bring melody to bear on each song (with at least one exception, 'Roadkill Morning' which is more death-like thrash metal). There's even a subtle undercurrent of progressive metal here. You have to listen carefully, but you'll find it on such a song as 'Smile Pretty For The Devil.' Generally, however, what you have here is aggressively intense, yet melodic, metal which bears down upon you like a turbo charged Abrams M1 tank.
The music is the simple reason I like Children Of Bodom and can easily review and recommend one of their albums. I really enjoy the guitar work and keyboards. Sure, it's not for everyone in it's fierce approach and I can certainly do without the dirty vocals any day, yet I find the music compelling once I get beyond these things. 'Blooddrunk' is another fine release from Children Of Bodom. Recommended!
Children Of Bodom returns again with their brand of Finnish melodic heavy/power/death metal on 'Blooddrunk.' This is aggressive metal that challenges you to accept brilliant guitar work, stunning keyboards, and compelling melodies wrapped up in a dirty vocal/death metal motif. Get over the latter and enjoy the music. Children Of Bodom is at the top of their game.
Now entering their second decade in music biz, Sweden's Wildness returns with latest and fourth studio album, Avenger. Band personnel has remained consistent for the last four years with the addition of Erik ... [ Read More ]